My name is David Suh. I was born in Austin, Texas on December 17, 2001. After attending school until first grade while my dad completed his PhD, our family returned to South Korea for a while. While there, I attened Seoul International School from Grade 1 through 12. During this time, I would slowly but surely discover my passion for programming and mathematical thinking. I participated in a number of tournaments at the national/international level, such NAQT, IYPT/KYPT, Empire mock trial, and more. I was accepted into the University of Chicago in 2020. The first year I attended remotely from Korea, and for the second year onwards I have attended in person. I am currently a Mathematics and Computer Science major, and I am also part of the joint Masters program in Computer Science, thus I am also purusing a MS in Computer Science at the moment. My personal interests are in optimization, probabilistic algorithms, and machine learning. In my free time I go to the gym and play video games.